Pessary Ring

The pessary ring, available in nine sizes, both with and without support, is a very common pessary for a first to second degree prolapse. The pessary ring with support can also be used on an accompanying cystocele. Insertion is eased with the folding action of the ring.

Product Description

Product Number

#1 without support LTBR2.00
#2 without support LTBR2.25
#3 without support LTBR2.50
#4 without support LTBR2.75
#5 without support LTBR3.00
#6 without support LTBR3.25
#7 without support LTBR3.50
#8 without support LTBR3.75
#9 without support LTBR4.00
#1 with support LTBR2.00S
#2 with support LTBR2.25S
#3 with support LTBR2.50S
#4 with support LTBR2.75S
#5 with support LTBR3.00S
#6 with support LTBR3.25S
#7 with support LTBR3.50S
#8 with support LTBR3.75S
#9 with support LTBR4.00S